Forklift, Ohio

31 Poems by Dean YoungIlluminatrix by Alexis OrgeraSecret Damage by Russell DillonFalse Soup by Melissa BarrettLast Ride by Abraham SmithThe Lost Notebooks of Juan Sweeney translated by Chad SweeneyRanges II by Michael SchiavoThe Dark is Here by Kiki PetrosinoTouch Monkey by Stuart DischellThe Dept. of Ephebic Dreamery by Darcie Dennigan I Feel YES by Nick Sturm PATRIOT by Laurie Saurborn Young The Imaginations by Jean-Paul Pecqueur


Cover image: I Feel YES by Nick Sturm

I Feel YES
by Nick Sturm

32 pages, soft cover, stapled

$5 (First Class postage paid)

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"When Nick gives us the chapbooks I, like everyone else, take it out of its Ziploc and lick it..."    Click for more »



Nick Sturm is the author of a number of chapbooks, including collaborations with Wendy Xu, I Was Not Even Born (Coconut), and with Carrie Lorig, Dutch and Nancy (NAP). He lives in Tallahassee, Florida.

from I Feel YES

...Let's agree that the only thing shared by nations
and snow is that no matter what they touch
they always disappear. Let's agree that if I took
a picture of your face right now and later showed it
to a stranger they would say Who is this beautiful person
I do not know?
and I would say I do not know
because I do not pretend to know you, I only pretend
to speak. And let's agree that in the light
making its way quietly through the valley
there are noises no one knows exist that communicate
nothing and are never repeated and in that light
there is one perpetual question every person
and poem exists to answer, essentially
what's so hard about being happy being
in awe of everything? I need to believe
I would suffer to save you. Amidst cell phones
and bar glass kissing and smashing my face sentimental
for better or for worse or for even better, galloping
full of wine into the parade, removing the plexiglas
between our bodies and our bodies, and our bodies
discovering what they mean when they say
"I am in love with an emergency of symbols!"
What part of a moose don't you understand?
What would it take for you to take off your pants
in public? What if I took off my pants right now
and laid down in the grass, if we could find any,
and in an unsexual way asked you to join me?
Is that even possible? What part of the question
do you think I'm referring to and what do you think
I mean by "possible"? I generate hogwash
in my torso! The proper use of a hammer
is to wear a petticoat and be inconsistent!
A feverish joy scatters into the citizenry!
Isn't this what's supposed to happen
going from meaning to meat to mouth?
The president stands naked in the middle
of the forest! I make sandwiches
for everyone who hates me! After that
what happens is made of fucking flowers...