Eric Appleby is Forklift, Ohio's co-founder, Designer and Publisher. He earns a living as a computer whisperer, web designer and marketing hack for a regional wholesaler. His artwork is featured alongside poems by 2014 U.S Poet Laureate Charles Wright in the book Outtakes (Sarabande, 2010). For fun, he tap dances, collects vintage Waring Blendors, and plays in the bands 7 Speed Vortex, Nevernew, and TRAVEL. E-mail:
Matt Hart is co-founder and the editor-in-chief of Forklift, Ohio. He is the author of five books of poems, Who's Who Vivid (Slope Editions, 2006), Wolf Face (H_NGM_N Books, 2010), Light-Headed (BlazeVOX, 2011), Sermons and Lectures Both Blank and Relentless (Typecast Publishing, 2012), and Debacle Debacle (H_NGM_N Books, 2013), as well as several chapbooks. Additionally, his poems, reviews, and essays have appeared in numerous print and online journals, including Big Bell, Cincinnati Review, Coldfront, Columbia Poetry Review, H_NGM_N, Harvard Review, jubilat, Lungfull!, and Post Road, among others. His awards include a Pushcart Prize, a 2013 individual artist grant from The Shifting Foundation, and fellowships from both the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers. He lives in Cincinnati where he teaches at the Art Academy of Cincinnati and plays in the bands Nevernew and TRAVEL. E-mail:
Tricia Suit carries on a number of family traditions in her role as Managing Editor/Test Kitchen Director of Forklift, Ohio. In the 1930s-40s, her grandmother owned a westside Cincinnati diner; her father, a Marine, once had a job driving a forklift. She works as Director of Marketing for the non-profit Downtown Cincinnati, Inc., sings for indie rock band 7 Speed Vortex, and spends her free time spoiling her dog, Olive. She invites you to send recipes, cooking/home economics tips, and mash notes to her at
Mike Cowgill is Forklift, Ohio's Chief Engineer.
Merrill Feitell is using her post as contributing editor to smuggle fiction writers into Forklift, Ohio. They may or may not be dangerous. They may or may not be recognized. Merrill's first book, Here Beneath Low-Flying Planes, won the Iowa Award for Short Fiction. She lives in Los Angeles. E-mail:
Brett Price served as Poetry Editor of Forklift, Ohio for Issues #16 - #23. He now resides in Brooklyn and holds an MFA from Bard College. The author of Trouble With Mapping (Flying Guillotine, 2008), he curates the Friday Late Night Series for The Poetry Project at St. Mark's.
Amanda Smeltz was Poetry Editor for issues #24-#36. She is the author of the poetry collection Imperial Bender (Typecast 2013). She lives and works in Brooklyn as a wine person. She will tell you all about the drinks you should pair with the recipes you send to Forklift. E-mail:
Emily Meg Weinstein, was Non-Fiction Editor for issues #26-#36. She writes the web site, publishing essays about things she couldn't make up if she tried. Her chapbooks are called "Lake Celeste, or the Joy of Sex" and "If You Think You're the Best." She can cook egg sandwiches, cheese sandwiches, kale, lentil soup, pesto, pasta puttanesca, exotically-flavored fruit crumbles and martinis. Her understanding of light industrial safety is heavily focused on the devices required to safely ascend rocks. She spends some of her time in Oakland, California, and other times further afield living in—and out of—her car, SubyRuby the Devastation Wagon.