Jeff Alessandrelli is the author of Erik Satie Watusies His Way Into Sound (Ravenna Press, 2011). Recent work appears in Octopus, DIAGRAM, Laurel Review, Western Humanities Review, Sentence, Hotel Amerika and Quarterly West, among others. He lives in Nebraska with his dog, Beckett. Winner of this year’s Amy Lowell travelling scholarship, Elizabeth Arnold is the author of three books, including Effacement, which was published by Flood Editions in March. Her poems have appeared recently in Poetry and Paris Review. Matt Bialer’s photography is in the permanent collections of The Brooklyn Museum, The Museum of the City of New York and The New York Public Library. A book entitled The Best of America Watermedia II (Kennedy Publishing, 2010) will feature his landscapes. His poems have appeared in Green Mountains Review, Retort Magazine and Le Zaporogue. Mark Bibbins has two books of poems, The Dance of No Hard Feelings (Copper Canyon Press, 2009), and the Lambda Award-winning Sky Lounge. He teaches in the graduate writing programs at The New School, where he co-founded LIT magazine, and Columbia University. Sean Bishop received his MFA from the University of Houston, where he was the managing editor of Gulf Coast from 2008-2010. His poems have appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Mid-American Review, The Minnesota Review, Ninth Letter, Poetry, and elsewhere. He was a 2007 Ruth Lilly Poetry Fellow, and beginning in August 2010 he will be the Diane Middlebrook Poetry Fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Luke Bloomfield lives in a Northeast void. He has poems in Invisible Ear and various online publications, chapbooks forthcoming from Brave Men Press and Factory Hollow Press. Erika Jo Brown is from New York, where she founded Stretching Panties magazine. A recent graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, her work can be found at H_NGM_N, Spork online and some other places. Her chapbook, What a Lark!, was published by Further Adventures Press this year. Her wingspan is roughly equivalent to that of a turkey vulture. Thea Brown is currently a second-year MFA student at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and an official Iowa City Dog Park attendant. Her favorite patrons tend to be basset hounds. She also co-curates the Monsters of Poetry reading series ( in Madison, Wisconsin. Kai Carlson-Wee was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, grew up in Northfield and Moorhead, Minnesota, moved to California for a while, returned to Minneapolis, went abroad for a while, spent the last few years traveling around, living here and there, doing this and that, hiking to high places, surviving himself as a cook. He likes to drink coffee and watch movies and rollerblade. He is currently working on his MFA at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. MRB Chelko is a recent graduate of The University of New Hampshire’s MFA program and Editorial Assistant of the unbound journal, Tuesday; An Art Project. She has poems in current or forthcoming issues of AGNI Online, Court Green, Clementine, DIAGRAM, Lake Effect, Weave and in back-issues of many other fine journals. Chelko’s poems have been featured on Verse Daily and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her chapbook is What to Tell the Sleeping Babies (sunnyoutside, 2010). She lives in Central Harlem with her husband, Nick, and dog, Chuck. Amanda Chiado is utterly swamped in research, busy kissing so many Monsters, Superheros and Bimbos for her nearly complete collection of poetry. Life is but a pot of gore, bravery and beauty, she thinks. Amanda teaches in San Jose, but sprung up from Albuquerque. Enchiladas are the only thing she really knows how to cook. James Cihlar is the author of Undoing (Little Pear Press), and his poems have appeared in Painted Bride Quarterly, Quercus, Bloom, Minnesota Monthly, Northeast, The James White Review, Briar Cliff Review, Verse Daily, Emprise Review, Newport Review, and in the anthologies Aunties (Ballantine), Regrets Only (Little Pear Press), and Nebraska Presence (Backwaters Press). The Books Review Editor for American Poetry Journal, he has also published reviews in the Minneapolis Star Tribune and on the poetry site Coldfront. The recipient of a Minnesota State Arts Board Fellowship for Poetry and a Glenna Luschei Award from Prairie Schooner, Cihlar lives in St. Paul. Jackie Clark is Editor-in-Chief of LIT magazine. She is also the series editor of Poets off Poetry on, where poets write about music. Her writing has appeared or is forthcoming from Sixth Finch, Fou and Realpoetik, among other places. She lives in Jersey City. Evan Commander is a poet and current lead singer of the Sex Pistols cover band Johnny Rotten Scoundrels. Nina Corwin is the author of Conversations With Friendly Demons and Tainted Saints and The Uncertainty of Maps (upcoming 2011, CW Books). Her work appears in ACM, H-NGM-N, Hotel Amerika, New Ohio Review/nor, Parthenon West, Southern Poetry Review and Verse and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. A psychotherapist in daylight hours, she has twice served as guest editor for Fifth Wednesday Journal and curates literary events at Chicago’s Woman Made Gallery. Liz Countryman lives in Texas, where she is a PhD candidate at the University of Houston and a Poetry Editor at Gulf Coast. Her poems most recently appear in Washington Square and Hayden’s Ferry. Nick Courtright’s poetry has recently appeared in The Southern Review, Boston Review, and The Kenyon Review Online, among numerous others, and a chapbook, Elegy for the Builder’s Wife, is out with Blue Hour Press. He is a music critic and interviewer for the Austinist, and teaches at Southwestern and St. Edward’s Universities. Despite insistent remonstrations, his young son, William, continues to throw his food. J.L. Conrad’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Pleiades, H_NGM_N, Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Southeast Review, Third Coast, The Brooklyn Review, Alligator Juniper, and The Cream City Review, among others. A Cartography of Birds, her first collection of poems, was published by Louisiana State University Press (2002). A chapbook, Species of Light, was published by Bellywater Press (2004). She is currently working toward a PhD in Literary Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Weston Cutter is the author of You’d Be a Stranger, Too, the editor of Corduroy Books, and is from Minnesota. Gro Dahle’s debut poetry collection Audiens revived the Norwegian poetry scene in 1987. Since then, Gro has written over 30 books and has gained critical acclaim across Scandinavia. Her controversial collection A hundred thousand hours (Hundre tusen timer, Cappelen Damm, 1996) is her first collection to appear in English. She lives on the island Tjøme. Adam Day’s work has appeared in the Boston Review, American Poetry Review, Guernica, The Kenyon Review, FIELD, Verse Daily, The Iowa Review, BOMB, and elsewhere, and has been nominated for 2008 and 2009 Pushcart Prizes, and included in Best New Poets 2008. He is the recipient of a Kentucky Arts Council grant, and a Ragdale Foundation residency. He coordinates The Baltic Writing Residency in Latvia, and is a contributing editor to the online literary journal Memorious. Sarah Dimick graduated with an MFA from New York University in 2010. She now lives in Minnesota, where she wakes up to the sounds of her neighbors’ chickens and writes poetry underneath an industrial wind turbine. Matthew Donne has had poems in H_NGM_N and InDigest. He’s moving out of Montreal, Canada, and plans to re-assume form in Toronto. Adam Fell is the author of I AM NOT A PIONEER and the chapbook Ten Keys to Being a Champion On and Off the Field both published by H_NGM_N BKS. He teaches at Edgewood College in Madison, WI, where he co-curates the Monsters of Poetry reading series. Jessica Goodfellow’s manuscript, The Insomniac’s Weather Report, recently won the Three Candles Press First Book Prize. She also has a poetry chapbook, A Pilgrim’s Guide to Chaos in the Heartland. Jessica’s work has appeared in Best New Poets 2006, on Verse Daily and NPR’s The Writer’s Almanac. She is a recipient of the Chad Walsh Poetry Prize from the Beloit Poetry Journal. A four-time Pushcart Prize nominee, Jessica lives in Japan with her husband and sons. A.T. Grant is from Tennessee and lives in Minneapolis. He writes poems. He also writes songs and plays in a band called New South Bear. Sarah Green is a PhD candidate in Creative Writing at Ohio University. Poems of hers have recently appeared in FIELD, H_NGM_N, and The Cortland Review. She is the recipient of a 2009 Pushcart Prize. Matthew Guenette’s first book, Sudden Anthem, won the 2007 American Poetry Journal Prize from Dream Horse Press. His second collection, American Busboy, was named an Editor’s Choice in the 2010 University of Akron Press Poetry Book Prize and will be published in 2011. Carrie Hohmann is a graduate of NYU’s Creative Writing program. Originally from Oil City, Pennsylvania, she currently resides in Brooklyn. If you ask nicely she will bake you a pie: peach, raspberry, blueberry, and pumpkin are most preferred. Melanie Hubbard lives with her family in Ruskin, FL. They have a bat problem. In the attic. They also have a raccoon problem, or the problem of the missing chicken, and the smashed eggs in the pen. They have a gecko problem, though they’re rather sweet, darting out over the bedroom walls at night. They do not, so far, have a possum problem or a rat problem. The cat-problem solves that. There is a snake problem, but only if you consider it to be a problem. They no longer have an ant problem, though there is the wasp problem. The poet problem is under a doctor’s care. | Seth Landman lives in Denver, CO. He is the editor of Invisible Ear, a magazine and chapbook series, and also co-edits Agnes Fox Press. He has poems appearing or forthcoming in Glitterpony, Skein, Jubilat, Jellyfish, Boston Review, Sir!, VOLT, and other places. John Loughlin works in technology sales in Chicago’s Loop. He has an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. His poems have appeared in Anti-, Barn Owl Review, Drunken Boat, Ploughshares, Black Warrior Review, Colorado Review, and many others journals. Rebecca Lehmann is originally from Wisconsin. Her poems have been published, or are forthcoming, in Denver Quarterly, Tin House, The Iowa Review, The Gettysburg Review, Conduit, and other journals. She holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, has been a Resident at The Millay Colony for the Arts, and is currently a PhD candidate at Florida State University, specializing in poetry and literary theory. Alex Lemon is a poet and memoirist. He is the author of Happy (Scribner), the poetry collections Mosquito (Tin House Books), Hallelujah Blackout (Milkweed Editions), Fancy Beasts (Milkweed Editions) and the chapbook At Last Unfolding Congo (horse less press). His writing has appeared in Esquire, Best American Poetry 2008, Satellite Convulsions, Tin House, The Bloomsbury Review, The Southern Review, AGNI and jubilat, among others. Among his awards are a 2005 Literature Fellowship in Poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts and a 2006 Minnesota Arts Board Grant. He is co-editor of LUNA: A Journal of Poetry and Translation and is a frequent book reviewer. He teaches at Texas Christian University and lives digitally at Matt McBride’s work has recently appeared in or is forthcoming from FENCE, Little Red Leaves, Meridian, Mississippi Review, New Collage, Packingtown Review, Ruminate, and Sub-Lit. His chapbook, The Space between Stars was released on Kent State’s Wick Poetry Press in 2007. He works on staff at two journals, and the Cincinnati Review. He is co-curator, with Ruth Williams, of the Bon Mot/ley reading series. Philip Muller is from Fort Pierce, Florida. His poems appear in jellyfish magazine and H_NGM_N. He is trying to figure out where to move next. Jenna Nissan is originally from New York but currently teaches second grade in Hartford, CT through Teach for America. When she is not writing fiction, she is creating it in her classroom; her students believe in her close friendships with Spiderman and Harry Potter. She holds an MFA in fiction from the University of Maryland, College Park. This is her first publication. Alexis Orgera is the author of How Like Foreign Objects (H_NGM_N BKS, 2011) and two chapbooks, Illuminatrix (Forklift Ink, 2009) and Dear Friends, The Birds Were Wonderful! (Blue Hour Press, 2009). You can occasionally catch her talking shop at Micah Perks is the author of a novel, We Are Gathered Here, a memoir, Pagan Time, and many short stories, published most recently in Chicago Quarterly Review, ZYZZYVA, and Encyclopedia Project. Her stories have twice been nominated for Pushcart Prizes, and she received an NEA grant in 2008 for the first chapter of a novel she has just finished. She lives in Santa Cruz, California with her family. Kiki Petrosino is the author of Fort Red Border (Sarabande, 2009). She lives and teaches in Louisville. Jessica Piazza has seen some things. Terrible, terrible things. Right now she’s getting a PhD in Creative Writing and English Literature at the University of Southern California. She has had (or will soon have) poems in Agni, Indiana Review, Mid-American Review, Rattle, No Tell Motel, 42 Opus and a bunch of other fun places. Sometimes she writes fiction. Sometimes she writes fiction in iambs. Sometimes she writes personal essays about drug dealers, S&M and gourmet food. Occasionally she blogs for really cool folks like Best American Poetry and Barrelhouse. Her interests include her dog, Special, and being your best friend ever. Nate Pritts is the author of 4 books of poems, most recently The Wonderfull Yeare (Cooper Dillon) and Big Bright Sun (BlazeVOX). He is the founder and principal editor of H_NGM_N and H_NGM_N BKS. Martin Rock lives in Brooklyn. Recent poems appear or are forthcoming in DIAGRAM, Tuesday; An Art Project, and NANO Fiction. He is the co-author, with Phillip D. Ischy, of the chapbook Fish, You Bird, which was published by Pilot Books. He recently learned to breathe under water, and would like to spend more time there. Dan Rosenberg’s poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Subtropics, Third Coast, 6X6, and Conduit, among others. His chapbook, A Thread of Hands, was just published by Tilt Press. Jeff Sirkin is a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Creative Writing Department at the University of Texas, El Paso, where he teaches twentieth century literature and culture. In addition to writing poetry, he has written about the intersections between popular music and twentieth century fiction and poetry. Lauren Shapiro received an MFA in Poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her poems have been published in POOL, Passages North, Drunken Boat, 32 Poems, notnostrums, and Thermos, among other publications. She is an assistant professor at Herzing University in Madison, Wisconsin. Amanda Smeltz holds an MFA in poetry from The New School. Her work appears in the anthology Why I Am Not a Painter and is forthcoming in Callaloo. She makes a living selling wine at a restaurant in Manhattan; her happy abode is in Brooklyn. If you make nice with her, she’ll probably cook you something delicious. Originally from the midwest, Tricia Taaca moved to New York to earn her MFA from Sarah Lawrence College and become a cheesemonger. Currently, she lives in Harlem where she spends her days teaching aerobics, baking, writing poems, and cavorting with her dog, Mister Peanut. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Lumina, Chaffey Review, Sonora Review, Washington Square Review, and Harpur Palate. She teaches poetry at Berkeley College. Paige Taggart lives in Brooklyn. Her chapbook Polaroid Parade is forthcoming with Greying Ghost Press. She has an e-chapbook, Won’t Be A Girl with Scantily Clad Press. She was a 2009 NYFA Fellow. Peruse her blog: Michael Teig is the author of Big Back Yard (BOA Editions, 2003) and a founding editor of jubilat. Recent poems appear in A Public Space, Conduit and FIELD. He lives in Easthampton, MA, where he works as a freelance writer and editor. Anthony Tognazzini’s collection of short fiction, I Carry A Hammer in My Pocket for Occasions Such As These, is available from BOA Editions. He lives in Brooklyn. Brian Trimboli completed his MFA at New York University. He has been awarded fellowships to Bucknell’s Seminar for Younger Poets, the Catskill Poetry workshop, and was selected to help lead NYU’s Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Writers Workshop. His poems most recently appeared in The Indiana Review, Gulf Coast, Third Coast, and H_NGM_N. M.A. Vizsolyi teaches ice skating and ice hockey in Central Park in New York City, where he lives with his wife, the poet Margarita Delcheva. Recent work will appear in 6x6, Slice Magazine, Sixth Finch, and Lungfull!. Rebecca Wadlinger is a PhD candidate at the University of Houston where she works as the managing editor of Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Art. She received fellowships from the Michener Center for Writers in Austin and the Tin House Summer Writers Workshop. Her work appears in The Disco Prairie Social Aid and Pleasure Club anthology (Factory Hollow Press, 2010). G.C. Waldrep lives in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania with five azaleas, three beds of peonies, a rose bush, two quinces, assorted hostas and rhododendrons, and a jack-in-the-pulpit. He edits the journal West Branch and serves as Editor-at-Large for The Kenyon Review. W. Vandoren Wheeler was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He cracked his head open on the playground in the 2nd, 4th, and 6th grades; he began writing seriously in the 8th grade. His poems appear in H_NGM_N, Swink, and elsewhere. He lives and teaches in Portland, Oregon, and is tweaking his manuscript The Accidentalist. Dean Young’s most recent book is Fall Higher. Matthew Zapruder is the author of three poetry collections: American Linden, The Pajamaist, and Come On All You Ghosts (Copper Canyon, 2010). He is an editor for Wave Books, a member of the permanent faculty in the low-residency MFA program at UC Riverside-Palm Desert, and was the Holloway Lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley in the Fall of 2010. He lives in San Francisco. Elizabeth Zuba is a poet and visual artist who lives in Brooklyn. Some of her work appears in Versal, Handsome, American Letters & Commentary and Aufgabe, among terrific others. She translates the work of Spanish poet Carlos Pardo and Argentine Arnaldo Calveyra, and recently co-edited an anthology of American poetry, La Familia Americana, for Cosmopoetica in Spain. |