Anna Aguilar Amat was born in Barcelona on January 31, 1962. She was recently awarded three prizes for Catalan poetry: the Jocs Florals of the city of Barcelona for Petrolier I Teatre (Oil and Theater); the Carles Riba award for Trànsit entre dos vols (Transit between two flights); and the Màrius Torres award for La música I L'escorbut (Music and Scurvy). She has also published with Francesc Parcerisas Coses Petites (Little Things), with designs by Miquel Plana, and the book of essays El Plaer de la Lectura (The Pleasure of Reading). She has a PhD from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where she teaches Terminology at the Translation Faculty.
Kathryn Cowles’s first book, Eleanor, Eleanor, not your real name, won the Dorothy Brunsman poetry prize and was published by Bear Star Press in 2008. A group of her poems and poem-photographs was chosen by Cole Swenson for the 2009 Utah Larry Levis prize. She has had recent poems and poem-photograph hybrids in Interim, Versal, Colorado Review, and Pleiades, among others. She is an Assistant Professor of Poetry and Literature at Ohio Northern University.
Michael Earl Craig was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1970. He is the author of CanYou Relax in My House (Fence Books, 2002) and Yes, Master (Fence Books, 2006). A new book of poems-Thin Kimono-was just published by Wave Books. He is a Certified Journeyman Farrier and lives near Livingston, Montana, where he shoes horses for a living.
Noah Falck is the author of three chapbook collections, most recently Life As A Crossword Puzzle, which won Open Thread's 2009 Ohio Tri-State Chapbook Award. Recent work has appeared or will appear in such journals as Kenyon Review, Copper Nickel, Fou, and Barn Owl Review. He teaches elementary school in Dayton, Ohio.
Corrine Fitzpatrick is author of the chapbooks On Melody Dispatch and Zamboangueña. She works for the Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church in New York City, and is in the MFA program at Bard.
Barbara Claire Freeman is a literary critic and professor of literature who recently turned her full attention to writing poetry. She is the author of The Feminine Sublime: Gender and Excess in Women's Fiction (University of California Press, 1998, pbk. 2000), and teaches creative writing at the University of California, Berkeley. She is a recipient of the Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Award (2008); the Campbell Corner Poetry Prize (Sarah Lawrence College, 2007); and a Pushcart Prize nominee (2007-2009). Incivilities, her first book of poems, was published by Counterpath Press (2009). "Derrida" is from Lost, her manuscript-in-progress; more poems from this project will appear in Crazyhorse and Volt.
Dobby Gibson is the author of two books of poems, Polar (Alice James Books) and Skirmish (Graywolf Press). A chapbook written in collaboration with Matt Hart, Late Makeup Years and Decline (1979-1983) was published by Hell Yes! Press in 2010.
Liz Green received her MFA in poetry from Warren Wilson. Her manuscript Blue Sky, Wrecking Ball was selected as a finalist for the 2009 Levis Prize of Four Way Books. She lives in New Orleans with her daughter Sara, and cats, Lily and Peter Pan.
Whit Griffin currently resides in western Tennessee. Work has appeared or is forthcoming in First Intensity,Octopus, Poetry Salzburg Review,Cannibal, and Raleigh Quarterly. Chapbooks include Wanhope (Longhouse) and Solomon's Seal (Beard of Bees). Rural Radio, a collaborative poem written with Andrew Hughes, was published by Scantily Clad Press.
Kristin Hatch’s poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Bat City Review, Black Warrior Review, Caffeine Destiny, Cranky, Fence, The Madison Review, Phoebe, Shampoo and Quarterly West.
Bob Hicok’s latest book is Words for Empty and Words for Full.
Elizabeth Hildreth lives in Chicago and works as an instructional designer. She is a regular contributor to Bookslut.
Jeremy Ford Hoevenaar is a portrait. And. He is a member of the Burt Prices. And. He believes in the pre-scream, the cap, and the revolution. And. He lives in Brooklyn and collects leaks. And. He never stops counting. And. Other poems have appeared in previous issues of Forklift, Ohio, Tantalum, Shifter, and The Recluse. And.
Kevin Holden is the author of two chapbooks, Alpine and Identity (forthcoming from Cannibal Books). His poems have appeared in such magazines as Colorado Review, The Cincinnati Review, Typo, The Liberal, and 1913. He received an MFA from the University of Iowa, where he was an Iowa Arts Fellow and then a Provost Postgraduate Fellow. He lives somewhere above Connecticut.
Justin Jamail is a poet from Houston, Texas. He practices law in Tokyo, where he lives with his wife, the playwright Amber Reed.
Rachel Kincaid lives and writes in Boston, where she very much enjoys the public transportation. She is okay with talking to strangers and can be reached at
Joel Lewis is a poet and poetry activist based in Hoboken, on the west bank of the Hudson. His most recent book is Learning From New Jersey (Talisman House). He has been in anthologies ranging from Temple of Baseball to The Outlaw Anthology of American Poetry. He has arranged readings all over the Garden State, taken poets on pilgrimages to Paterson's Great Falls, and initiated the infamous and now-defunct New Jersey Poet Laureate position.
Brad Liening is a poetry editor at InDigest Magazine and he helps run Hell Yes, a DIY press that publishes zines and chapbooks. He lives in Minneapolis.
Matthew Lippman is the author of The New Year of Yellow, published by Sarabande Books, winner of the Kathryn A. Morton Prize. His second collection, Monkey Bars, was published in October of 2010, by Typecast Press. He lives with his wife and kids in Boston.
Rebecca Loudon lives and writes in Seattle. Her two most recent books are Radish King, from Ravenna Press, and Cadaver Dogs, from No Tell Books. She teaches violin lessons to children.
William Lychack is the author of a novel, The Wasp Eater, and a forthcoming collection of stories, The Architect of Flowers. His work has appeared in The Best American Short Stories, The Pushcart Prize, and on public radio's This American Life.
Dan Magers is co-founder and editor of Sink Review (, an online poetry magazine, as well as the publisher of the chapbook press Immaculate Disciples Press. He has poems published or forthcoming in Sixth Finch, Free Verse, the tiny, Red China, and other journals. Currently, he works on professional engineering books at a publishing company. He lives in Brooklyn.
Lina Makdisi lives in Oakland, California.
Albert E. Martinez grew up in Southern California and Northern New Mexico. In 2004 he graduated from New Mexico State University's MFA in Creative Writing Program. His fiction and nonfiction have been published in Best New American Voices 2006, Nerve Magazine, Gulf Coast, Lost Magazine and Freight Stories. He is a recipient of scholarships from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference and New Mexico State University. He lives in the Bay Area.
Bo McGuire listens to Sam Cooke to survive the desert. He lives and writes in Tucson, but pines for Alabama. He's got poems coming out in The Pinch and The Cincinnati Review. Y'all come and see us when you can.
Sally Molini is a co-editor for Cerise Press, an international online journal based in the US and France. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Diagram, Beloit Poetry Journal, Southern Humanities Review, Rattle, and other journals.
Elsbeth Pancrazi lives in Inwood, New York. Not on the Internet or the A train.
Francesc Parcerisas is a poet, translator and critic. Since his first book, Vint poemes civils (Twenty Civil Poems, 1966) he has published poetry and literary criticism and contributes to Catalan newspapers and magazines. Focs d'octubre (October Fires, 1992) and Natura Norta amb Nens (Still Life with Children, 2000) are his latest collections. Parcerisas has worked as Director of the Institute of Catalan Literature in Barcelona since 1998. He has also translated a number of works into Catalan, including El Senyor dels Anells (The Lord of the Rings) by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Nate Pritts is Philip Sidney in Syracuse. His new book, The Wonderfull Yeare, is the saddest story he knows.
Arlo Quint is most recently the author of Drawn In (Fewer & Further Press) and Hospitality in the Forest (Rust Buckle Books). He lives in Brooklyn and works for The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church.
Brian Russell’s poems have appeared in Mid-American Review, Epoch, Quarterly West, LIT, and Hanging Loose, among others. He lives in Chicago.
Michael Schiavo is the author of The Mad Song, editor of The Equalizer and Tight, and a contributing editor to CUE. Other ranges fromGreen Mountains have appeared in jubilat, Cold-Drill, Raleigh Quarterly, The Awl, We Are So Happy to Know Something, Sixth Finch, Turntable & Blue Light, Cold Front, and The Paris Review. He lives in Vermont.
Fred Schmalz’s poems appear or are forthcoming in A Public Space, LUNGFULL!, Zoland Poetry, Spinning Jenny and 6x6. An interview he conducted with choreographer David Neumann will appear in the next issue of Conduit. Additionally, he was a finalist for both the Nightboat and Sawtooth poetry prizes in 2009. He lives in Kassel, Germany.
Sampson Starkweather is the author of four chapbooks, most recently The Heart is Green from So Much Waiting from Immaculate Disciples Press, and Self Help Poems forthcoming from Greying Ghost Press. He is an editor of physics and chemistry books and co-founder of Birds, LLC, an independent poetry press. He lives in the woods alone.
Deirtra Jean Thompson is a filmmaker and writer who lives in Brooklyn. She is a member of TEAMSPORT and The Burt Prices.
Brian Trimboli is currently the co-poetry editor for The Washington Square Review, and a co-curator for the KGB Emerging Writers Reading Series. He has received a fellowship to assist with The Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans Writers Workshop through NYU.
Peter Turchi is the author of five books, including Maps of the Imagination: The Writer as Cartographer, and has a new anthology of essays forthcoming from Trinity University Press in 2011. For 15 years he taught in and directed The MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina, where his favorite lunch was the Monte Cristo sandwich from the dining hall. He is the director of the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing at Arizona State University. He has received fellowships from the NEA and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation; he has also received North Carolina's Sir Walter Raleigh Award, which came with a statuette of Sir WR standing on a book. He keeps it on a shelf near his Good Humor Rookie Salesman trophy.
Monica Wendel received her MFA in creative writing from NYU in May 2010. A semi-finalist in the 2009 Miss G Train pageant, she enjoys living in Brooklyn, teaching kids at St. Mary's Health Care System for Children, and entering pointless competitions. In a past life she wrote product descriptions for coffeemakers. Exciting developments to follow at
Dean Young is the author of many books of poems, including Primitive Mentor. A book on his poetics, The Art of Recklessness, will be published in 2010 by Graywolf. He is currently the William Livingston Chair of Poetry at the University of Texas, in Austin.