Tony Aarts is a graduate of the Creative Writing Program at UNC-Greensboro. His poems have previously appeared in Fou. Tony lives and works in Minneapolis, MN. He is maintained by several robots.
Seth Abramson is the author of The Suburban Ecstasies (Ghost Road Press, 2009). Winner of the 2008 J. Howard and Barbara M.J. Wood Prize from Poetry, he is currently a second-year student and Teaching-Writing Fellow at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
Samuel Amadon edits and publishes Projective Industries, a chapbook press, with Stephanie Anderson.
Joshua Beckman is the author of a number of books of poems, most recently Gentle Reader!, written with Anthony McCann and Matthew Rohrer.
Lindsay Bernal lives in Washington, DC, and works as the Academic Coordinator for the Creative Writing Program at the University of Maryland.
Edmund Berrigan is the author of Disarming Matter (Owl Press) and Glad Stone Children (Farfalla Press). He is also editor of the forthcoming Selected Poems of Steve Carey (Subpress) and coeditor with Anselm Berrigan and Alice Notley of the Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan (University of California) and a forthcoming Selected Poems.
Ana Božičević emigrated to NYC from Croatia in 1997. She’s the author of chapbooks Document (Octopus Books, 2007) and Morning News (Kitchen Press, 2006). Look for her recent work in Denver Quarterly, Hotel Amerika, Bat City Review, absent, typo, fou and elsewhere. With Amy King, she is currently editing an anthology, The Urban Poetic (Factory School, forthcoming). Ana works at The Center for the Humanities at the Graduate Center, CUNY.
Maud Casey is the author of two novels, The Shape of Things to Come, a New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and Genealogy, and a collection of stories, Drastic. She has received international fellowships from the Fundacion Valparaiso and the Hawthornden International Retreat for Writers, and is the recipient of the Calvino Prize and a DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Artist Fellowship. She lives in Washington, D.C. and teaches at the University of Maryland.
Todd Colby lives in Brooklyn, NY. He keeps a blog at
Evan Commander is the author of the chapbooks Planet Carpet and A Thing and Its Ghost. His first full-length book Future/No Future is forthcoming from MOOR Books. His chapbooks are Planet
Oscar Ames Cowgill believes he’s weird, because his big brother tells him so.
Darcie Dennigan’s poetry collection is Corinna A-Maying the Apocalypse. She lives in Rhode Island and is a huge fan of Megan Snyder-Camp.
Stuart Dischell is the author of four collections of poems, most recently Backwards Days (Penguin, 2007). He teaches in the MFA Program at The University of North Carolina Greensboro.
Dobby Gibson is the author of Polar (Alice James Books), which won the Beatrice Hawley Award, and Skirmish (Graywolf Press). He lives in Minneapolis with his wife Kathy and their daughter Scarlett Moon.
Maggie Ginestra divines her future by charting the movement patterns of mice. She is in the band The Shitty Friends and is a member of the guacamole committee for the Exploding Swan reading series in St. Louis, where she’s currently working on an MFA at WashU.
Steve Healey’s first book, Earthling, was published by Coffee House Press. He has published poems in various magazines, including American Poetry Review, Boston Review, Fence, jubilat, and Open City, and in anthologies, including Legitimate Dangers: American Poets of the New Century. He lives in Minneapolis and teaches at the University of Minnesota and Macalester College.
Bob Hicok’s most recent book is This Clumsy Living. He is a Guggenheim and NEA Fellow this year.
Jeremy Hoevenaar has an MFA in writing from Bard College. He lives in Brooklyn. He edits Little Socks Press with Anne Lazovik. Lately (and rather tentatively), he has been seen making friends with the hilarity of despair and the despair of hilarity.
Not-too-distantly in the past, Christopher Janke got an MFA and published a book (Structure of the Embryonic Rat Brain) and started a bar ( and rehabbed a laundromat. Currently, he’s preparing for the yearly found laundry fashion show, trying to pair braised vegetables with bourbon, reading chapbooks from Bateau and Fewer & Further as well as manuscripts for Slope Editions -- and admiring the geese who’ve stopped by in Turners Falls, Massachusetts.
Andy Jen lives in California with his wife and two young sons. He works as a psychologist and teaches at Antioch University Los Angeles.
Sally Keith is the author of two collections of poetry, Design (CLP 2000) and Dwelling Song (UGA 2004). She teaches at George Mason University.
Rauan Klassnik was born in Johannesburg, South Africa: don’t go there. And if you do, just stay at the airport hotel. Cape Town is a much nicer place. Under Table Mountain. The baboons are a problem and they sometimes have to kill them. Don’t feed them—the baboons that is. Or the people who kill them. Don’t feed them either. Klassnik’s poems have appeared many places and his first book, Holy Land, was released April 1st, 2008 (no joke) from Black Ocean.
Ben Kopel currently lives in Northampton, Massachusetts. He drives past the Stop and Shop with the radio on.
Amanda Lichtenberg’s poems have appeared in journals such as Versal, Mima’amakim, Lungfull!, Caesura and elsewhere. She is thinking of starting a journal called Elsewhere. Born and bred in Manhattan, Amanda now calls Queens her home.
Anthony McCann is the author of Father of Noise and Moongarden. Along with Joshua Beckman and Matt Rohrer he is also an author of Gentle Reader!, a book of erasures of the English Romantics. He lives in Los Angeles.
Nina McConigley lives in Wyoming. Her stories have appeared in The Virginia Quarterly Review and Puerto del Sol.
Tony Mancus lives in Queens. He works as an adjunct instructor in New York and New Jersey. He likes to sleep and write on trains.
Sara Michas-Martin is a former Stegner Fellow and Jones lecturer at Stanford and recently joined the faculty at Goddard College. Newer poems appear (or are forthcoming) in: Bird Dog, Court Green, DIAGRAM, Field, Gulf Coast, jubilat, Pool, and elsewhere.
Sierra Nelson is a typing explosionist (, poetry-scientist (, and president of the Pacific Northwest Cephalopod Appreciation Society. Her work has appeared in DIAGRAM, Painted Bride Quarterly, Swivel, Cranky, and Tin House.
Stephanie Reents teaches at University of Pennsylvania and Haverford College and is currently finishing a novel set in Oxford about severed limbs and disappearing gargoyles. Her short stories have been published in Epoch, StoryQuarterly, Gulf Coast, Pleiades, Denver Quarterly, and O. Henry Prize Stories 2006 among other places.
Mary Ruefle’s latest book is THE MOST OF IT (wave Books, 2008). She lives in Vermont.
Jeremy Schmall is a visionary team leader and dynamic strategist with over 10 years of experience driving dramatic business expansion through inspired salesmanship and terrible courage. He lives in Brooklyn.
Fred Schmalz’s poems have recently or will soon appear in issues of A Public Space, Handsome and The Blue Letter. He co-edits the magazine Swerve. He currently lives six hours ahead of Forklift Standard Time, where he is writing a poem you haven’t read yet.
Lauren Shapiro received her M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Her poems have been published in POOL, Passages North, 32 Poems, Drunken Boat, and Locuspoint.
Jill Stoddard is a Brooklyn-based writer and web editor who has had a few things published in McSweeney’s and one by NPR. She recently gave her first powerpoint presentation called “The Way We Lie” as part of the Adult Education series at Union Hall, Brooklyn, and is currently working on a story about two gingerbread cookies who fall in love and then eat each other.
Mathias Svalina is, with Zachary Schomburg, co-editor of Octopus Magazine & Books. His first book, Destruction Myth, is forthcoming from CSU Press in 09.
Chad Sweeney is the author of Arranging the Blaze (Anhinga, 2009), An Architecture (BlazeVox, 2007) and A Mirror to Shatter the Hammer (Tarpaulin Sky, 2006). He edits Parthenon West Review with David Holler and is editor of Days I Moved Through Ordinary Sounds (City Lights, 2009). His work has appeared in Best American Poetry 2008, Verse, Colorado Review, New American Writing, Crazyhorse and elsewhere. He is working on a PhD in lit/poetry at Western Michigan U in Kalamazoo, where he teaches creative writing and is assistant editor for New Issues Press.
Steve Toussaint is a first year poet at the Iowa Writer’s Workshop. He is originally from Chicago. He is often caught in plaid.
Paul Violi’s most recent book is Overnight, from Hanging Loose Press. He teaches in the New School graduate writing program and at Columbia University.
Sasha West is a lecturer in creative writing at Rice University. She holds graduate degrees from Johns Hopkins and the University of Houston, where she was managing editor for Gulf Coast. Her work has appeared in American Letters & Commentary, Margie, Ninth Letter, American Poet, Chelsea, and elsewhere.
G.C. Waldrep is the author of Goldbeater’s Skin, Disclamor, and Archicmebalo, which won the 2008 Dorset Prize from Tupelo Press. He currently is frying a very large onion in a very small skillet.
Patti White teaches creative writing at the University of Alabama. Her first collection of poems, Tackle Box (2002), won the Anhinga Prize for poetry; an award-winning short film of the title poem was released in 2003 ( Her second collection, Yellow Jackets (2007), was also published by Anhinga. She is currently at work on a novel about cranky sunburned people in the mountains of Colorado, a one-act play about the apocalypse, and a third collection of poems.
Dean Young has published ten books of poetry, recently Elegy on Toy Piano, a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize, and Primitive Mentor. He has received fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, two from the National endowment for the Arts as well as an Academy Award in Literature from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. He has taught in the low-residency MFA program at Warren Wilson College and was on the permanent faculty at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop until becoming the William Livingston Chair of Poetry at the University of Texas at Austin in 2008. A book on poetics, The Art of Recklessness will be published in 2010.