I. Running as Fast as Possible
Jeff Sirkin _____________________________________________ A Reveille
Kathleen Heil ____________ How to Survive the Tragedy of Linear Time
Dave Rutschman _________________________ I was swimming in the water
Kamal E. Kimball ____________________ In the Grove of the Dream Boys
Sarah Koenig ____________________________________________ First Kiss
Bethany Breitland ________________________ Prayer for Something Else
Charlene Fix ____________________________________________ Emordnilap
Richard Holeton _____________ Afterword(s): Take a Book/Leave a Book
II. A Caricature on Mechanotherapy
Jacob Chapman __________________________________________ The Kingdom
Sheila Wellehan ____________________________________ Edie’s Tank Top
Mark Ramirez ________ My Grandfather Walks Back from Jail, July 1970
Daniel Johnson _____________________________________________ Missing
Ricky Ray ___________________________________ Yourself in Headlights
Jeff Sirkin ____________________________________________ Transponder
Richard Holeton ____________ Last Words from 10 Books Being Recycled
III. Lightning Discharge between Cloud and Earth
Melissa Dickey _______________________________________ from Breeding
Katie Berta _______________________ When You Thought You Were Better
Daniel Johnson __________________________________________ For Olanna
Adam Fell ______________________________________________ Inoculation
William James _________________ from Everyone Gets Out of This Alive
Daniel Moysaenko ________________________________________ More of It
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 1
IV. Finding the Equivalent of Heat
Robbie Gamble _______________________________________ Seawater Bread
Paige Menton ___________________________________________ Vocationals
Sean Adam _________________________________________ Simon I Am Gluon
Tom Paine ________ The International Chlorinated Chicken Controversy
Petro Moysaenko __________________________________________ Is a Hawk
Bob Hicok ______________________________________________ Ornithology
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 2
V. A Tale of Two Life Rafts
Rae Hoffman __________ Jager Still Life of Repo Without a Tow Truck
Dylan Loring ______________________________________________ Pastoral
Petro Moysaenko _______________________________ Forest-Green Vehicle
JM Farkas _________________________________________________ ILL MEN*
Inga Lea ________________________________ Schmidt Posing, Charm City
Adam Fell ____________ The Summer Break Before Our Last Failed State
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 3
VI. The Patron Saint of Toothache
John Maradik _____________________________________ George Washington
Mark Ramirez _______________________ Night Ride with my Mother, 1991
Michelle Dove _______________________________________________ Analog
Joel Martyr _______________________________________ Border Situation
Melissa Dickey _______________________________________ from Breeding
Bethany Lewis _______________________________________________ Cavity
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 4
VII. Eyes and Hands Inform the Brain
William James _________________ from Everyone Gets Out of This Alive
Joshua Aiken _________________________________________ Working Naked
Bethany Lewis _________________________ The Grass Doesn’t Grow There
Blake Lipper __________________________________________ Laughing Gas
Jack Israel __________________________________________ my good pills
Amelia Ferguson _____________________________________________ Spring
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 5
VIII. Detail of the Bomb
Dylan Loring _______________________________________ Me vs Great Art
Chelsea B. DesAutels ______________________________ Feminine Hygiene
Dana Jennings ______________________ from Toxic Youth: Factory Poems
Samuel Cheney _____________________________________ Factory Accident
Bob Hicok ________________________________________________ Papercuts
Thomas Wagster _________________________________________________ WOW
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 6
IX. New Modes of Attack
Harris Wheeler ___________________________________ I’m a Human, Baby
Merridawn Duckler _________________________________________ Ringling
Zach VandeZande ___________________________________________________
Tom Wayman _________________________________________ Satchel of Rain
Michelle Dove _______________________________________________ Analog
Charlie Clark _____ The Words in a Love Poem All Mean the Same Thing
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 7
X. The Thumbscrew of Maria Theresa
Rae Gouirand ____________________________________________ Some Place
Bronwen Tate _________________ LIKE THE NATIVE TONGUE THE VANQUISHED
Adam Fell _____________________________________________ Hunting Dogs
John Maradik ______________________________________________ shrouded
Tom Paine _________________________________________________ Midnight
Blake Lipper ___________________________________________ Ear Fatigue
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 8
XI. Medieval Picture of the Skeleton
Bob Hicok ____________ Nature asks nurture what the hell is going on
Dave Rutschman ___________________________________________ Encounter
Brandon Rushton _________________________________ from Puddle Jumper
Melissa Dickey _______________________________________ from Breeding
Ricky Ray ___________________________________ A Crack in the Railing
Amelia Ferguson ______________________________________________ Lingo
Leah Umansky __________________________________ [of] Tyrant, in Jest
Richard Holeton ____________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 9
XII. The Sound of a Bell in a Vacuum Jar
Kiley McVey __________________________________________ Gay Matter(s)
Tom Barlow ___________________________________________ Scout’s Honor
Jeff Sirkin ____________________________________________ The Archway
Tom Wayman ____________________________________________ Not the Wind
Andrés Hernández ______________________________________ forest green
Kiley McVey _______________________________________ Stuttering Noise
Richard Holeton ___________________ Take a Book/Leave a Book, Day 10
XIII. Three a Day (and sometimes Tea Makes Four)
Brandon Rushton _________________________________ from Puddle Jumper
Megan Martin _________________________ Medieval Theory of Possession
Brandon Amico __________________________________________________ Joy
Thomas Wagster ________________ The Bodies That Appear to Be Waiting
Rae Gouirand _______________________________________________ Reunion
Bob Hicok _____________ Not all interest is self-interest, just most
Richard Holeton _____________ Afterword(s): Take a Book/Leave a Book