i. kiss-me quick
Nicole Miller ____________________________________________ A Beauty
Meg McKeon __________________________________________ Terpsichorean
Larry Sawyer ___________________________ Dispassionate Appassionato
Laurie Saurborn Young _____________ Charles Olson in Berkeley, 1966
Jeff Bruemmer ___________________________________________ Meanwhile
James Grinwis __________________________________________ Icebreaker
ii. gypsy nosegay
Weston Cutter _________________________________ expectant notsonnet
Ross Gay ___________________________________________ To the Mistake
J. Masters _____________ I Think I Can Taste the Bull in This Slice
Noelle Kocot __________________________________ Poem for New Jersey
iii. fly paper
Stuart Dischell __________________________________ Little Narcissus
Steve Healey __________________________________ A Map of My Problem
Sean Thomas Dougherty _____________ Untranslatable Autobiography or
Employment Application That Ends in Birds
Sarah León __________________________________________ Commemoration
Noelle Kocot __________________________________ Here There is Peace
iv. caprice de la mode
Bradley Harrison Smith ______________________________ & Other Poems
Sean Thomas Dougherty __________________ Poem Written in the Margin
of an Eclipse
Caroline Crew ________________________________ How To Breathe Glass
Logan Fry __________________________ The Bold and the Beautiful Jr.
Varsity as the World Turns
Laurel Hunt _________________________________________________ DAY 4
Steve Healey ______________________ A History of Bodies Reproducing
v. extract of wallflower
Patrick James Dunagan __________ from DROPS OF RAIN / DROPS OF WINE
Meg McKeon______________________________________________ Stridulous
Dean Young _________________________________________________ Bender
Evan Commander _______________________ I Have an Empty Head On Fire
Nate Logan_______________________________________________ Love Poem
vi. perfect love cordial
Nate Pritts __________________________________________ Rock of Ages
Rachel Yoder _________________________________________An Experiment
Samantha McCormick ____________________________________________Poem
Matthew Daddona __________________________ Monday, Three Days Later
Carolina Ebeid _____________________________ Sawing a Woman in Half
Andrea Swenson Dunlap ____________ A Can Opener for Señora Victoria
vii. jockey club bouquet
Leora Fridman ______________________________ Whose Essential Nature
Morgan Parker ____________________________ Morgan What, Morgan Who?
Nate Logan ______________________________ Self-Portrait with Demons
Noelle Kocot _______________________________________________ E.S.T.
Morgan Parker ________________________ On Getting One’s Groove Back
viii. volatile essence
Jeff Bruemmer _______________________ I have never understood life.
Let me give you an example.
Laurie Saurborn Young _____________________________________ Patriot
Heidi Reszies Lewis ________ Solve for X in a Landing Configuration
Danika Paige Myers ___________________________________ I Am Accused
Noelle Kocot ____________________________________________ The Storm
Morgan Parker ___________________ I Was Trotting Along And Suddenly
ix. henry’s vinegar
Steve Healey _________________________________________ Early Reader
David Tomas Martinez __________________________________ Innominatus
Patrick James Dunagan __________ from DROPS OF RAIN / DROPS OF WINE
Evan Commander ____________________________________ Magic vs. Death
Corey Miller___________________________________________________ |<<
x. tincture of turmeric
Weston Cutter _____________________________________ Welcome to Dirt
Claire Sylvester Smith __________________ Retired Hunter Battle Cry
Logan Fry ________________________________________________Tear Axes
Benjamin Landry _________________________________________________Tm
Bradley Harrison Smith ___________________________________ Clearing
xi. invisible ink
Ryan Walsh ________________________________________ Before the Word
Laurel Hunt _______________________________ You taxidermied a bear!
Larry Sawyer _________________________________________ My Sunflower
Russell Dillon ___________________ My Ability to Be Far Away Is Now
One of My Great Super Powers, As Is
Being Completely Heartbroken and
Irrational While Craving Many
Oysters, See Also: Invisibility
Benjamin Landry _________________________________________________Lr
xii. varnish for artists
Mary Austin Speaker _______________________________ from The Bridge
Meg McKeon _________________________________________________Pelagic
Gary Jackson ______________________ The Death of the Golden Avenger
J. Masters ________________________________________________ My Good
Noelle Kocot _______________________________________________ Ligeti
Bradley Harrison Smith ________ In Which the Holster Shoots a Blank
Kit Frick _____________________ from Kill Your Darlings, Clementine
xiii. japan lacker
Noelle Kocot _____________________________________________ Mosquito
Claire Sylvester Smith __________________________ What is a Window?
Weston Cutter ___________________________________ Too Much Too Soon
Jeff Bruemmer __________________________________________ Originator
Nate Pritts ________________________________ Object of My Invention
xiv. peruvian tooth powder
Jennifer MacKenzie ________________________________ My Name Is Raji
Nate Logan _____________________________ I Am So Sick of the Ozarks
Claire Sylvester Smith _______________________ Poem From a Distance
Corey Miller _____________________________ Politically Correct Poem
Laurie Saurborn Young _____________________________________ Patriot
Adam Fell _______________________________________ DEAR CORPORATION,

xv. pot pourri
Stuart Dischell___________The Happy Angel Bakery and Slaughterhouse
James Grinwis ______________________________________ Drunken Barber
Sarah León _______________________________ A Magisterial Pooling-Up
Kit Frick ______________________from Kill Your Darlings, Clementine
Danika Paige Myers______________________________ A Final Revelation
Kevin Walter ________________________________ The End [of the rope]
xvi. crinogen, for enhancing the growth of the beard